December 2024
November 2024
October 2024
September 2024
July 2024
April 2024
March 2024
September 2023
May 2023
April 2023
March 2023
November 2022
- Diabetes awareness – Get tested today
- 'Tsunami of diabetes' - Data suggest disease will sweep present and future generations
- Women more prone to diabetes
- Spotlight on young people for Diabetes Awareness Month
- Jessica Forrester’s journey with diabetes
- Volunteers needed for diabetes research
- Three myths diabetics (and everyone) should know
- Health Ministry Rolls-Out $50m Programme For Low-Cost Diabetes Testing
- Healthline – Diabetes Awareness Month – November 11, 2022
- Gov’t allocates $50 million to improve access to testing for diabetes
- If we are to avoid the tsunami of illness...
- Gov’t expands programme for diabetes testing
- How to eat healthily during the holidays
- Holiday eating tips for diabetics
- Talking Health in 5: Manage your diabetes for a better quality of life
- Gov’t allocates $50 million to improve access to testing for diabetes
- Here are common signs and symptoms of Diabetes. #DiabetesAwarenessMonth
- When was the last time you checked the blood sugar levels of your loved one(s)?
- Nutrition is very important to reducing the risk of Diabetics and other Non-Communicable diseases
- Diabetics, know the facts. 💙
- Know, Act, Take Control. Prevent Diabetic complications by taking action with the instructions in the video. ✅
- Diabetes Awareness Month poster competition extended to 5PM, November 30? 😱😁
- Globally, around one in three women will experience physical and/or sexual violence by a partner or sexual violence by a non-partner.
- Violence-related injuries against women and girls are widespread, persistent and devastating violations that cause physical, sexual and psychological harm.
- “Too much refined starchy food not good for you Mommy.” What did you learn from this Diabetes Awareness illustration? #Diabetes
- One aspect of Diabetic care can average some JMD1.7 million per annum.
- Educate yourself on the topic of Diabetes from this video. #DiabetesAwarenessMonth #Diabetes
- Happy World Diabetes Awareness Day. 💙🌎
- Do something good for your health today, and every day!
October 2022
- Breast Cancer Awareness: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Life after Cancer
- Together we can survive: Best friends share their breast cancer journey
- Breast cancer in young women: Fasten your pink ribbon
- One woman's determination to thump breast cancer
- Principal alerts children to threat of cancer
- 'It's like our lives made a full stop…' Support from hubby, daughter, network helped Kaydia McKoy's cancer fight
- Beating the odds, Breast Cancer Survivor, Icilda Porter, helps others in their fight to recovery
- Get screened, get treated
- 'I knew I had to survive' - Kimberley Hamilton Brown’s journey of resilience with breast cancer
- Mom and daughter defeat breast cancer together
- Phyllis Kayceia Stevenson motivated to beat breast cancer the second time around
- Breast cancer – the warning signs
- How exercise can help in breast cancer treatment
- Do you know how to do your monthly breast self examination ?
- If you are interested in learning more about the prevalent disease known as Diabetes, then join this meeting, Tuesday Nov 1.
- Here are your breast cancer facts.
- TODAY, wear PINK to raise awareness surrounding Breast Cancer. Remember to tag us in your photos.
- Julie Mango: We early todeh.
- ‘I’m a bit nervous’. Watch this patient ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’.
- Check out these Breast Cancer facts.
- Do it today. 🎀💕 #Mammogram #Mammography #BreastCancerMonth
- TODAY is PINK DAY 🎀. Wear pink every Friday in October to raise awareness surrounding Breast Cancer.
- Our Directorates giving Power to the Pink. #GetScreened #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth
- #BreastCancerAwareness set the date, Sunday, October 23, 2022 'Love and be Loved' @television_jamaica, 9 PM.
- Remember to get your breasts checked. Get comfy and do your mammogram.
- Here are a few Breast Cancer Facts. 🎀💕
- Send us your pink wear so we can share. 🎀 #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth
- “This October as we observe Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I am heartened by this year's theme, 'Together we Rise'.
- Early detection is your best protection against Breast Cancer, and self-examination with your hands could be your salvation, so let's fight this thing with our hands, and mammograms. 🎀💕
- Breast Cancer isn't to be taken lightly. Get checked out if you experience any of these symptoms.
September 2022
- September 23 is Blue Day
- Health Ministry hosting online Prostate Cancer-Awareness Sessions
- Wear blue on September 23 to raise awareness about prostate cancer
- Take care of your heart to prevent dysfunction, disability and death
- Talking Health in 5: There's sex after prostate cancer treatment
- Take the necessary steps to ensure you live a hearty illness-free life.
- What are some ways you can care for you?
- Protect you, and the ones you love. Get screened regularly.
- It's Childhood Cancer Awareness Month TOO. Remember our children... they are golden.
- You've seen the Prostate Cancer video messages all month. Here's a quick summary of what you need to know....Now that you know... GO ... and get screened for Prostate Cancer.
- Here’s a message about Prostate Cancer from our Chief Medical Officer, Dr Jacquiline Bisasor-McKenzie. If you are 40 years and older, get screened.
- Bring out yuh crew👖👔 Wear Blue on Friday, September 23, 2022.
- Get screened for Prostate Cancer if you are 40 years old or older. Early detection saves lives.
- September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.
- The'Treat Yuh Body Right' Promotion winners recently received their prizes courtesy of Canopy Insurance.
- September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Prostate Cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Jamaican men.
August 2022
- Do you know your numbers? Here’s why you should
- Why you need to start screening for non-communicable diseases
- Christopher Tufton | The stroke crisis in Jamaica
- Boost self-care by knowing your numbers
- Minister Calls on Women to Encourage Men to Screen for Prostate Cancer
- Treat Yuh Body Right... You could be a winner by just doing these easy steps!
July 2022
- Treating yuh body right plays an important part in reducing and preventing NCDs
- #TreatYuhBodyRight Promotion
- Get started treating yuh body right in 4 easy steps:
- #TreatYuhBodyRight Promotion - How to participate
- Our lucky winners from the recent Treat Yuh Body Right LIVE event
- Go. Know. Be a Health Pro.
- Screening is key! Check up… Follow up… Live up!
- Do you know your numbers? Check up… How often should you get a check up? Follow up…
- Get started treating yuh body right in 4 easy steps
May 2022
- Treat yuh Body right
- May 17 - World Hypertension Day
- Do you know your risk of getting Hypertension?
- Reduce your risk of Hypertension
- Hypertension: The silent killer
- Measure your Blood Pressure Accurately
- High Blood Pressure
- World Hypertension Day: 5 high blood pressure myths debunked
- Hypertension - Control It, Live Longer
- Hypertension - Early detection is important
- It is important that you KNOW YOUR NUMBERS
- How high blood pressure can affect your sex life
- The NCDIP Website - Your Health Tips
- The NCDIP Website - Wellness Calculators
- The NCDIP Website - The Correct Information
- Accidental poisonings are very common among infants and children.
April 2022
- Adolescents, do you know your Non-communicable Disease (NCD) status?
- Early screening saves lives. Cervical Cancer Awareness Month 2022
- Winners in the online competition for Colorectal Cancer Awareness month receive their priez packages
- Ministry aims to reduce cervical cancer cases
- Pap Smear week.
- Do you know your numbers?
- Cervical Cancer Awareness Month
- All women over 20 years old should get a Pap Smear done.
- Minister Tufton declares April 24-30 as Pap Smear week.
- Get screened, Get in the know!
- Screening Saves Lives
- Ladies get your PAP Smear done!
- Adolescents, do you know your NCD status?
March 2022
- Talk with your doctor about getting screened today for Colorectal Cancer.
- We want yu to hold on for a loooong and healthy life! memba gu to
- Get the facts from and be in the know. Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month #healthcheck
- Get the facts from and be in the know. Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month #healthcheck
- Get the facts from and be in the know. Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month #healthcheck
- Nutrition is a key component of Colorectal Cancer Care. We are sharing tips for a heathier you. Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month #healthchecks
- What's Your Gut Telling You?
- Good nutrition and colon health
- Colorectal cancer and surgery
- Self Care: Nurturing your own health and wellness
- Jamaicans encouraged to get colorectal cancer screening
- Colorectal Cancer Is The Focus For March
- Do not delay: Get screened for colorectal cancer
- Join us this evening for our Instagram Live as the Non-Communicable Disease & Injury Prevention Unit @themohwgovjm takes a deep dive into Colorectal Cancer and answers the question "What's Your Gut Telling You?"
- NCD’S are the leading cause of death and disabilities in Jamaica. Be in the know… Information + Action = Satisfaction. “TREAT YUH BODY RIGHT”.
- Screening is key! Check up… Follow up… Live up! Early detection gives you better control!
- Don't wait for symptoms...get screened! It's Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month!
- Dr. Nicola Skyers, Director, Non-Communicable Disease & Injury Prevention Unit, MOHW, signs on Julie Mango & Canopy Insurance, both will be supporting the Unit's marketing of its recently launched website- #screeningiskey
- Early screening could save your life. Know your risks and get your check up! #colonhealth
February 2022
- Share the story of a family member or friend caring for someone living with cancer.
- Our regional coordinators inspire with their heartfelt messages to caregivers and patients with cancer.
- Dr. Yasine Hanna delivers the World Cancer Day from SRHA February 4, 2022
- Dr. Simone Spence Director Health Promotion & Protection Branch
- Message from the Minister of Health and Wellness Dr. the Honourable Christopher Tufton, MP on World Cancer Day
- Today is World Cancer Day
- This World Cancer Day share the stories of everyday heroes and heroines, your family member or friend caring for someone living with cancer.
- Dr. Marcia Johnson- Campbell Medical Officer (Health) Regional Non Communicable Diseases Programme Coordinator delivers the World Cancer Day message for WRHA
- Dr. Micas Campbell-Foreman. North East Regional Health Authority Gives her message for World Cancer Day 2022.
- Send in your questions here... listen out for questions during the live show on Feb 4.
- Contract Signing Ceremony for the Public Private Partnership for Non-Communicable Diseases.
- Beating cancer: The story of the caregiver
- A brother's journey with his sister after her cancer diagnosis
- Strides Made In Preventing Cancer-Related Deaths
November 2021

- Prevent Complications and Detect them Early
- ACCESS TO CARE. Be in the know
- 'Accessing Diabetes Care: Making the Difference...Together'! Watch for it-Wed. Nov. 24, 9:30 p.m., TVJ
- 'Accessing Diabetes Care: Making the Difference...Together'! Watch for it-Wed. Nov. 24, 9:30 p.m., TVJ
- Access to Care
- It's the coming together that drives the difference.
- WORLD DIABETES DAY | Access to Diabetes Care... The Time is Now!
- Breast Cancer Awareness | Story 04
- Access to Diabetes Care... THE TIME IS NOW!
- Get Help - Numbers to Call
- Red flags
- 21-year-old woman talks living with diabetes
- Access to diabetes care... The time is now!'
- The Callums' diabetes journey
- Shaun-Neil Walker: Battling stage five kidney failure while diabetic
- How diabetes affects the heart
- ‘Managing diabetes means lifestyle change’ says young diabetic, Shanice Sutherland
- Diabetes Awareness Month 2021 | Be Informed
- NOVEMBER is Diabetes Awareness Month 2021 | Theme: 'Access to Diabetes Care... The Time is Now!'
- Dr. Julia RowePorter, Medical Epidemiologist, Non-Communicable Disease & Injury Prevention Unit and Shay-Ann Patterson, who is diabetic were recently interviewed on Suncity
- DIABETES AWARENESS MONTH 2021 | Launch Highlights | 01
- Dr. Skyers offered The Vote of Thanks as she registered her gratitude to all stakeholders
- Keynote speaker, State Minister, MOHW, Minister Cuthbert Flynn is urging Persons with Diabetes to learn how to test their blood sugar and understand what the measurements mean
- Dr. Julia Rowe Porter, Medical Epidemiologist, Non-Communicable Disease & Injury Prevention Unit, outlined a number of activities to which the MOHW along with their main partners Diabetes Association, NHF and The Heart Foundation of Jamaica will be putting in place
- 9 year old Ngozi Wright created a stir with her original piece specially written for this morning's launch of Diabetes Awareness Month
- Managing diabetes
- Carolyn Hewitt’s struggles with diabetes
- Debunking 3 myths about diabetes
- Diabetes 101
- Gov't to expand access to care for diabetic and hypertensive patients
- Gov’t Looking to Expand Access to Care for Diabetic and Hypertensive Patients
- Government to Expand Diabetes and Hypertension Care Access
October 2021
- October is #BreastCancerAwareness Month.
- Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death, in Jamaican women.
- Breast Cancer Awareness
- Signs to look out for!
- Breast Cancer Awareness Month - Message of The Minister of Health and Wellness Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, MP
- Breast Cancer Message | Dr. Bisasor-McKenzie
- Breast Cancer Message | State Minister Cuthbert-Flynn
- Breast Cancer Message | Chief Nursing Officer Patricia Ingram-Martin
- Common Risk Factors for Developing Breast Cancer
- MOHW commemorates Breast Cancer Awareness month with Pink Passion Fashion Walk
- Strutting our stuff in support of Breast Cancer Awareness
- Pink Passion Fashion Walk
- Shout out to our national & @southernregionalhealth teams for NCD
- Breast Cancer Awareness | Story #3
- Breast Cancer Awareness | Story #3
- Breast Cancer Caregiver: The Kayon and Petre Williams-Raynor story
- Physically challenged husband steps up amid breast cancer fight
September 2021
- Early detection is the key to reducing the death rate associated with Prostate Cancer. Get screened!
- In recognition of World Heart Day 2021, the Heart Foundation of Jamaica illuminated the Usain Bolt monument at the National Stadium Park.
- World Heart Day 2021 Message from the Minister of Health and Wellness Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, MP
- Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death & disability in Jamaica.
- More than 25% of Jamaica's population have at least one major risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
- Visit the MOHW’s social media pages (@themohwgovjm) and enter our World Heart Day competition.
- How important is heart health to the individual person, and the general public?
- Sagicor Life to promote prostate cancer awareness in Jamaica
- Help the men you love keep their prostate healthy
- From discovery to recovery: John Allen's prostate cancer journey
- Prostate cancer gave Quinton Yearde a greater appreciation for life
- Dreaded rectal examination not as critical in checking for prostate problems
- Sagicor Life to promote prostate cancer awareness
- Prostate Cancer Awareness Month Is September
- t is important to note that prostate cancer does not usually have any symptoms when it’s in its early stages.
- Minister @christufton encourages men to get screened for prostate cancer
- Health ministry encourages awareness for prostate cancer screening
- 9 plans for the health ministry's cancer awareness drive this month
- Could Michael be experiencing symptoms of prostate cancer? But what is prostate cancer?
- Bossman, mek wi reason
- Jamaican men urged to change mindset towards prostate cancer screening
- What is the prostate gland, where is it located and what purpose does it serve?
- It is possible to live long and healthy while managing sickle cell disease.
- Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder in which red blood cells may become sickle-shaped & harden.
- Get tested: Prostate cancer screening saves lives
- It is important to note that prostate cancer does not usually have any symptoms when it’s in its early stages.
- Queens! Protect your King! Don't let prostate cancer checkmate (kill) him!
- There are three that are established risk factors for Prostate Cancer: age, family history and race.
July 2021
- NCDs, COVID-19 and the way forward
- The Non-Communicable Disease & Injury Prevention Unit (MOHW) recently staged its annual NCD PROGRAMME REVIEW & CONFERENCE, under the theme NCDs: ‘The Pervasive Pandemic…All Hands on Deck’!
- New awards were introduced at this year's Non-Communicable Disease & Injury Prevention Unit (MOHW) annual NCD PROGRAMME REVIEW & CONFERENCE
- Get tested for sickle cell disease. A simple blood test can tell you whether you are at risk.
- Children with sickle cell disease can learn like other children and SHOULD be encouraged to go to school as much as possible.
- Babies can be tested for Sickle Cell Disease from immediately after birth. Early diagnosis of disease allows for simple treatments to be started which can decrease the risk of death in early childhood.
June 2021
- Sickle Cell Awareness Day
- Images from Sickle Cell Awareness Day
- Press Briefing - Sickle Cell Disease Awareness
- The Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton and Professor of Pediatric Pulmonology & Clinical Research Jennifer Knight - Madden messages in recognition of Sickle Cell Awareness
May 2021
World Hypertension Day

- Minister of Health & Wellness, Dr. Christopher Tufton shares his message in recognition of World Hypertension Day
- World Hypertension Day - Hypertension Highlight 1
- World Hypertension Day - Hypertension Highlight 2
- World Hypertension Day - Am I At Risk of Getting Hypertension
- World Hypertension Day - What Can I Do To Control Hypertension?
- Thanks to our partners- Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) for their kind support for our Hypertension Trivia
- CONGRATULATIONS 🎉 The winners of our Hypertension Trivia were all excited as they received their prizes courtesy of partners @radajm
April 2021
- Janet’s Trial - A story following 4 friends as they come to grips with facing a serious health challenge
- Janet’s Trial - Part 2, The friends are out having lunch and discussing Janet’s health condition. Read the full story to see how it all unfolds
- Janet’s Trial - Part 3, The ladies are worried about Janet and decide to visit her at home. In talking they both realise discussion they are also due a Pap Smear Screening
- Janet’s Trial - Part 4, The ladies have finally met up with Janet and offer to support her as she goes through her ordeal. We also learn that Cervical Cancer, often caused by Human Papilomavirus (HPV) is PREVENTABLE with a vaccine
- Janet’s Trial - Part 5, The ladies are all at the doctor’s office ready to get their Pap Smears done. Follow the story to get a step by step explanation of how the procedure is done
- Janet’s Trial - Part 6, Janet shares with the ladies that she has been contacted by the doctor’s office to come in for her Pap Smear result. While she is nervous, her friends are ready to stand by her
- Janet’s Trial - Part 7, Janet was informed by her doctor that the Pap Smear detected abnormal cells. However, thanks to early detection, and treatment it will not progress to cancer
- Health ministry boosts public education on cervical cancer
- Pap smear saves lives
- Let's Talk Cervical Cancer
- Ladies, when was your last Pap Smear?
March 2021
Colorectal Cancer Awareness

- Colon Cancer Awareness Month. All you need to know about Colorectal Cancer.
- Thanks to Mr. Peter Thompson, CEO of @radajm for partnering with us for Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
- As we continue to recognize Colon Cancer Awareness Month, here are 2 facts that you should know.
- There are certain factors that put you more at risk of developing colon cancer
February 2021
- World Cancer Day Conversations
- Screening deal could boost fight against cancer
- PHOTO: Gathered to inspire!
- World Cancer Day
- Experts talk cancer prevention, awareness at Health Ministry forum
- Keep eye on kids, cancer survivor warns parents
- Let’s beat cancer!
- Be aware, prostate cancer survivor urges young men
- Some types of cancer on the rise among young people in Jamaica
World Cancer Day: #IamIwill campaign

- Talia Soares, Attorney at Law & Media Personality is supporting the fight against cancer
- Dr. Patrece Charles is committed to the fight against cancer
- Principal of Ardenne High School, Nadine Molly is joining the cause and committing to playing her part in the fight against cancer
- Listen to survivor Quinton Yearde who is now an advocate as he urges our men to get tested early
November 2020
Diabetes Awareness Month

- #DiabetesAwarenessMonth Understand your diabetes and take control. Know your numbers. Talk to your doctor or nurse about regular testing and screening as part of your diabetes management and control plan.
- #DiabetesAwarenessMonth If you are a Jamaican living with #diabetes, you can get help from @NHFJamaica with medication and supplies. Enroll in the NHFCard Programme today!
- #DiabetesAwarenessMonth Reduce your intake of salty, processed, sugary foods and drinks. Eat foods that are high in fibre daily for healthy blood sugar control
- #DiabetesAwareness Control your diabetes with a balance of physical activity, healthy eating, and taking your medication
- The Holistic Management of Diabetes Panel Dscussion