Wellness is also a key part in living a wholesome life. Screening for non-communicable diseases is a great way to increase our wellness. Screening tests are health checks that are done in persons who seem healthy, to identify any unnoticed health problems before the development of any signs or symptoms of disease. These are used as a preventative measure so that potential health problem may be detected early before complications occur.
Getting your regular health checks also help to reduce the risk of developing chronic conditions, by identifying risk factors that make you more likely to develop major non-communicable diseases such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancers and depression.
In some cases, an individual presents to the health centre with symptoms of an NCD. The earlier an individual presents, will allow for early detection of disease. Early detection means getting the right treatment at the right time, which gives you better control over your health.
Living Well
Wellness is also a key part in living a wholesome life. Screening for non-communicable diseases is a great way to increase our wellness.
Beat NCDs by following these basic steps

Regular Checks

Get Vaccinated

Always Wear A Seat belt

Always Wear A Helmet (Cycling, Bike Riding)
Take care of your health now and reap big rewards later. Insert your age, sex and pregnancy status below to see when you should be screening for each non-communicable disease.
Wellness Check
Visit your health care provider to find out more about your risk for developing NCDs, and to make an appointment for screening.