National Committee on Non-Communicable Diseases

Over the past thirty (30) years Non-communicable Diseases have been a major cause of mortality, morbidity and economic burden in the Caribbean and Jamaica, accounting for over 56% of deaths annually. In 2007 in Port of Spain, Trinidad, the CARICOM Heads of Government signed a 14-point declaration: Uniting to stop the epidemic of chronic NCDs. The National Committee on Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) was established by the Ministry of Health and Wellness in keeping with this Declaration.



Provide leadership for multisectorial action towards mitigating the impact of the non-communicable disease epidemic in Jamaica.


Purpose of the National Committee on NCDs

The purpose of this Committee is to provide the overall strategic direction, leadership, expertise and guidance to the Ministry of Health and Wellness and all other stakeholders on matters related to the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases in Jamaica. The goal of the Committee is to advocate and recommend policies and programmes for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases.


Function of the National Committee on NCDs

The National Committee on NCDs performs the following roles and functions:

  1.  Review and make recommendations to the Ministry of Health and Wellness, partners and stakeholders on the policies, laws and programmes with regards to Jamaica’s obligations arising from the Port of Spain Declaration, St. Ann’s Declaration, United Nations Global Political Declaration on the NCDs and any other national, regional and international commitments related to NCDs.
  2. Advise the Ministry of Health and Wellness on policies and legislation related to prevention and control of NCDs.
  3. Promote a whole of government, whole of society and integrated response to the NCD epidemic.
  4.  Monitoring of the implementation of the National Strategic Plan for the prevention and control of NCDs.
  5. Assist in the mobilization of resources through advocacy to facilitate the implementation of the national NCD prevention and control programme.
  6. To promote NCD research, to monitor and evaluate NCD programmes, projects and interventions to prevent and control NCDs.
  7. Monitor regional and international trends and developments and advise on national responses.
  8. Review, assess and report on progress of the NCD programme.
  9. Submit a bi-annual report of its activities to the Ministry of Health and Wellness.
  10. Shall establish sub-committees as necessary in order to carry its mandate.



The membership of the National Committee on NCDs comprises of a multisectoral team of twenty-eight (28) persons assigned by the Minister of Health and Wellness.


Standing sub-committees

In addition to the National Committee, nine (9) standing sub-committees support the Committee’s work.

See below for details.


Committee Members

  1. Chairman – Professor Trevor Ferguson
  2. Chief Medical Officer, Ministry of Health & Wellness
  3. Director, Non-Communicable Disease and Injury Prevention Unit
  4. National Council on Drug Abuse
  5. Director Policy, Planning & Development
  6. Director, Legal Services, MOHW
  7. Chairman, National Food Industry Taskforce
  8. Chairman, Mental Health Technical Advisory Group
  9. National Health Fund
  10. Ministry of Education, Youth and Information
  11. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
  12. Ministry of Labour and Social Security
  13. Ministry of Land, Environment and Climate Change
  14. Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development
  15. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade
  16. Ministry of National Security
  17. Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sports
  18. Private Sector Organization of Jamaica
  19. The Press Association of Jamaica
  20. Diabetes Association of Jamaica
  21. Heart Foundation of Jamaica
  22. Jamaica Cancer Society
  23. Planning Institute of Jamaica
  24. Medical Association of Jamaica
  25. Nursing Association of Jamaica
  26. Caribbean Institute for Health Research
  27. Violence Prevention Alliance
  28. Jamaica Mental Health Advocacy Network


Technical Sub-Committees

  1. Surveillance, Monitoring & Evaluation, Research
  2. Alcohol & Tobacco control
  3. Physical Activity
  4. Nutrition
  5. Health Promotion, Education, Communication & Social Marketing
  6. Screening and Integrated Disease Management
  7. Violence and Injury Prevention
  8. Mental Health
  9. Policy

The National Committee on Non-communicable Disease may be contacted for further information via email at